Письмо Дэйла Фуллера, Президента и CEO Borland Software Corp., Булату Гайфуллину, Президенту NSDA

October 19, 2001

Mr. Bulat Gaifullin
4, Bardina
Building 1
Moscow, Russia 117334

Dear Mr. Gaifullin:

Firstly, I would like to congratulate you and your members for the establishment of the SDA in September. During our meeting, I was extremely impressed by the caliber of your members, and by the quality of the questions and discussion. With that in mind, I feel sure that the SDA will have a long and successful story.

I also want to take this opportunity to thank you for taking the time to meet with me during my recent visit to Moscow. It was fascinating to learn more about offshore development and the challenges that you face.

Borland offers best-in-class technology solutions that are dedicated to interoperability. Our development and deployment technologies enable organizations to leverage legacy systems, increase productivity, and deliver higher performance projects faster and on budget, while lowering total cost of ownership. From the Fortune 1000 to the Borland Nation consisting of millions of developers and partners, Borland provides our customers the freedom to develop applications, deploy them anywhere, and integrate and manage them across the enterprise.

During our meeting, we briefly discussed both Borland software, and Borland's use of offshore developers. I know that Kirill Rannev and his team are working with you to explore how this relationship can develop to our mutual benefit. I will be keeping a keen eye on developments. If, in the meantime, I can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

I look forward to formally welcoming you to the Borland Nation in the near future.

О некоммерческом Партнерстве "Silicon Taiga" (www.silicontaiga.ru)

Созданное в 2001г., Некоммерческое Партнерство "Silicon Taiga" на данный момент объединяет 130 компаний и более 3000 разработчиков, занимающихся IT-аутсорсингом. "Silicon Taiga" ставит своей целью содействие развитию отечественных высоких технологий и их выходу на мировой рынок. Для реализации данных целей Партнерство ставит перед собой следующие задачи: привлечение инвестиций в разработку программного обеспечения научно-технического назначения, содействие создании инфраструктуры для проведения высокотехнологичных разработок (технопарков, отраслевых лабораторий), продвижение наукоемкого программного обеспечения через специализированные издания, путем участия в международных выставках и конференциях.Запросить подробную информацию#/services/auth.asp?action=infomailbox@silicontaiga.ru .


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