Company: Vocord Technologies Ltd
Web Site:
Company description: Vocord Technologies is a company that specializes in research and development, manufacturing and marketing of innovative CTI, VoIP and video processing products.
Phones: +44 20 7623 5566
Fax: +44 20 7398 0902
Contact E-mail:
Contact persons: Marketing Manager
Working languages: English  French 
Skills: VoIP, CTI, DVR, video, gateway, codec, telecom, ISDN, H.323, hardware, software

Field of competence: VoIP and CTI
Field of competence description: Any application on voice over IP and computer telephony integration. Comptence includes software and hardware development and integration. Ready products are available.
Number of staff employed in the department: 30
Certificates of employees:
Working expirence: Company has vast experience in long projects, references from big clients.

Field of competence: Digital video recording
Field of competence description: Digital video recording for CCTV, TV and multimedia applications. Includes both hardware and software development. Turn-key systems are available.
Number of staff employed in the department: 15
Certificates of employees:
Working expirence: Company has vast experience in long projects, references from big clients.


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