Company: Sakrament
Web Site:
Company description: Sakrament company, one of the leading software developer in the sphere of speech recognition and text-to-speech (TTS) technologies for the Russian language. Sakrament products, including Sakrament Text-to-Speech Engine (TTS) and Sakrament Speech Recognition Engine (ASR) provide the most natural communication solutions available for the Russian language. Sakrament technology allows to integrate speech solutions into existing voice processing platforms and develop a various types of speech enabled applications.
Phones: +375 172 840650
Fax: +375 172 840650
Contact E-mail:
Contact persons: kheidorau Ihar
Working languages: English 
Skills: Speech recognition software, text-to-speech software, TTS, ASR, development, adaptation, localization, integration

Field of competence: Speech Technologies
Field of competence description: platform integration, deployment, TTS / ASR applications development /engineering
Number of staff employed in the department: 25
Certificates of employees:
Working expirence: Company has vast experience in long projects, references from big clients.


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