Company: GehtSoft
Web Site:
Company description: Gehtsoft is a medium-sized, highly flexible company with more than 5 years experience and highly experienced staff members. This allows it to provide many services. The company has experience in UML and GOST-based design and experience in highly-professional Visual C++ and Java development. The company uses a flexible methodology which allows it to interact with clients more efficiently, allowing them to provide full services or only partial services that are required. In addition to the companies’ design and development services, it also provides application testing services.
Phones: +7-3812-22-56-29
Contact E-mail:
Contact persons: Evgeniy Gekht (CEO), Nickolay Gekht (CTO/CPM)
Working languages: English 

Field of competence: Visual C++/Win32
Field of competence description: Development of Win32 based systems.
Number of staff employed in the department: 5
Certificates of employees:
Working expirence: Company has vast experience in long projects, references from big clients.
Operating Systems: Windows
Programming Languages: Assembler

Field of competence: Software testing
Field of competence description: Testing of software, using internally developed automated testing tools. Creating of testcases based on the project design documentation. Methodologies include: • black-box • white-box • code reading • integration testing • system testing • regression testing • automation testing
Number of staff employed in the department: 5
Certificates of employees:
Working expirence: Company has vast experience in long projects, references from big clients.
Programming Languages: DHTML

Field of competence: Mobile platform development
Field of competence description:
Number of staff employed in the department:
Certificates of employees:
Working expirence: Company has experience with similar technologies and/or has personnel with appropriate knowledge.
Operating Systems: PocketPC
Programming Languages: C/C++

Field of competence: Enterprise WEB applications
Field of competence description: Development of business applications based on web server architectures and the J2EE model.
Number of staff employed in the department: 5
Certificates of employees:
Working expirence: Company has vast experience in long projects, references from big clients.
Operating Systems: Solaris
Programming Languages: Java

Field of competence: Analysis
Field of competence description: Analysis of business processes. Identification of the problem areas and of the customer requirements.
Number of staff employed in the department: 4
Certificates of employees:
Working expirence: Company has vast experience in long projects, references from big clients.
Programming Languages: UML

Field of competence: Thick client database development
Field of competence description:
Number of staff employed in the department:
Certificates of employees:
Working expirence: Company has experience with similar technologies and/or has personnel with appropriate knowledge.
Programming Languages: FoxPro


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