Company: CentreInvest Soft
Web Site:\en
Company description: CentreInvest Soft is a member of the CentreInvest Group. It provides services in information security, software development, and IT consulting. Software & hardware: medical systems (, biometrics (, document flow (, and large corporate information systems.
Phones: + 7 (095) 797-8050
Fax: + 7 (095) 797-8051
Contact E-mail:
Contact persons: - Gennady Dvoretsky, commercial Director,; - Peter Khijniak, CEO,; - Sergey Pilkin, Technical Director,
Certificates: ISO 9000, Planned for the 2003
Awards: None
Working languages: English 
Skills: medicine, document flow, security, biometrics, consulting

Field of competence: biometrics
Field of competence description: Equipment, software, and solutions for biometric authentication in information security systems
Number of staff employed in the department: 5
Certificates of employees:
Working expirence: Company has experience in the field and some references from clients.

Field of competence: security
Field of competence description: Development of information security systems, secured software, access control systems, systems that use cryptography to protect sensitive information etc.
Number of staff employed in the department: 5
Certificates of employees:
Working expirence: Company has experience in the field and some references from clients.

Field of competence: document flow
Field of competence description: software for document flow systems, corporate portals, corporate information systems, Internet and intranet systems
Number of staff employed in the department: 15
Certificates of employees:
Working expirence: Company has vast experience in long projects, references from big clients.

Field of competence: medicine
Field of competence description: medical software or software for medical establishments, hospitals, laboratories, medical equipment, and control tereof.
Number of staff employed in the department: 6
Certificates of employees:
Working expirence: Company has vast experience in long projects, references from big clients.


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